What Are the Benefits of Damiana Leaves?
Damiana leaves contain arbutin, tannins, damianin and beta-sitosterol. These chemicals affect the brain and nervous system, according to RxList, an online medical resource for pharmaceutical information on brand and generic drugs.
Clinical Study
A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agricultural Research showed that damiana leaves have the potential to raise testosterone levels.
In herbal medicine, damiana leaves are used to treat headaches, bed-wetting, depression, nervous stomach, constipation, sexual problems like decreased libido and urinary infections. There is not enough scientific research to prove that damiana leaves are actually effective for any of these uses, according to RxList.
When taken in doses above 200 grams per day, damiana has the potential to cause severe convulsions. Additionally, it sometimes results in allergic reactions like chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing and hives.
Because its effects upon fetal development are unknown, avoid using damiana leaves while pregnant or nursing. If you have diabetes or are scheduled for surgery within the next two weeks, it may not be safe for you to take damiana.