What Are the Benefits of Taking Nattokinase?

In Japan, there is a cheese-like breakfast food called natto. There is an enzyme in natto called nattokinase that can be extracted from the food. These nattokinase are made into tablets and capsules, and have a few medicinal purposes.
  1. Blood Pressure

    • In a study done by Miyazaki Medical College and Kurashiki University of Science and Arts, researchers discovered those who took nattokinase had better blood circulation and saw their blood pressure return to a better level.


    • Because nattokinase makes the blood circulate better, that means the blood will reach all the way to the tips of your hands and feet, which means people will be warmer during the cold weather.

    Blood Clots

    • Better circulation of the blood from nattokinase also means the blood will be thinner and there will be a lower risk of blood clots, heart attack or stroke.


    • Those that take nattokinase will have better sleep, and the circulation of blood will prevent cramps and numbness during sleep.

    Immune System

    • The enzymes found in nattokinase help to keep the immune system healthy, lower inflammation and repair tissue.

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