Yohimbe Dosage Instructions
Yohimbe Dosage for Erectile Dysfunction
Yohimbine is the generic name for the medications Aphrodyne and Yocon. It is for men only. Each caplet of Aphrodyne or Yocon is 5.4mg. The yohimbe dosage used to treat erectile dysfunction is one caplet, three times a day, for no more than 10 weeks. If nausea, dizziness or headaches occur, reduce the dosage by half and gradually increase to the recommended dosage. Any side effects should be reported to your doctor.
Potential Side Effects of Yohimbe Dosage
Your yohimbe dosage may produce side effects. Aside from these aforementioned side effects, you may also experience perspiration, vomiting, racing heartbeat and flushing of the skin. Side effects that are much less likely to occur are anxiety, agitation and inability to sit still. Although uncommon, these are serious side effects. Allergic reaction is possible, but rare. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include, but are not limited to, a rash and difficulty breathing. Contact your doctor to report any changes you notice, mentally and physically, after taking this medication.
Considerations and Contraindications
Safe daily dosages of yohimbe are 10mg to 30mg, but amounts of 40mg or more can cause additional side effects, including hallucinations and vertigo. People who suffer from post-traumatic stress or panic disorders should not take yohimbe. Avoid foods that contain tyramine, because it could cause high blood pressure problems. These foods include cheese, wine and liver. Only under the supervision of a doctor should yohimbe be combined with antidepressants. Drug interactions are known to occur with Brimonidine, Bupropion, Fluvoxamine, Clozapine and Carbamazepine.
International Brand Names for Yohimbe
Yohimbe is sold around the world under several different brand names. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, here are the brand names and the countries where they are sold: Pluriviron® (DE); PMS-Yohimbine (CA); Urobine® (SG); Virigen® (DK); Yocon® (AT, CA, CL, DE); Yocoral® (BE, FR); Yohimbine Glenwood® (BE); Yohimbine Houdé® (FR, LU); Yohimbin Spiegel® (CZ, DE, HU, RU); Yohimex® (AR); Yomax (BR); Yustum® (CL); Zumba® (PT).