What Are the Benefits of St John's Wort?
Traditional European Medicinal Benefits
Traditional European medicine uses St. John's Wort to benefit people with depression, tension, insomnia, and anxiety. It is also used as a gallbladder and liver tonic.
Traditional North American Medicinal Benefits
Native Americans utilized St. John's Wort as an abortive, an anti-inflammatory, and a wound cleaner.
Modern Studies
It has been shown that St. John's Wort has abortive, antiviral, antibacterial and wound-healing effects.
Due to a potential antiviral property, St. John's Wort may have a beneficial effect on patients with hepatitis C, HIV, and AIDS.
Even though modern science has uncovered evidence supporting certain traditional medicinal claims of St. John's Wort, it is not recommended for all traditional claims, such as abortion.
Though St. John's Wort has a variety of potential benefits, it can be toxic or react adversely with certain medications.
Modern European Medicine
Germany's Commission E, a panel similar to the FDA, approved St. John's Wort as a beneficial treatment for mild depression, cuts and burns.
It is also approved for use as a diuretic and for children who suffer from nightmares or bed wetting.