Chinese Herbs for Fertility
According to Dr. Maoshing Ni, in his book "Secrets of Longevity," herbs have always been used to maintain women's health in China and throughout Asia. These include individual herbs and formulas to enhance fertility.
Herbal Formulas
In his book "Balanced Healing," Dr. Larry Altshuler recommends several formulas for infertility. For men he recommends You Gui Wan, and for women he recommends Yi Guan Jian and Yang Rong Wan.
Angelica Root/Dong Quai
Ni reports that angelica root, also known as dong quai, enhances fertility and offers other benefits. Ni says it helps regulate menstrual periods, strengthens bones, builds blood, reduces the levels of damaging free radicals in the blood, and maintains healthy hair, skin and nails.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the herb chasteberry has been used in Asia for thousands of years. It is used for some types of infertility and also for easing menstrual problems.
According to Altshuler, Chinese herbal formulas have been successful at improving fertility. You may see benefits within one to three months; however, you may need to take the formulas longer.