Homemade Bowel Cleanser
The digestive process involves consuming food, absorbing the nutrients from food and then eliminating the waste. The waste is held in the bowel until it is ready to be eliminated during a bowel movement. The bowels need water and fiber to stay healthy and strong. If the bowel is unhealthy it can lead to diarrhea, constipation and other digestive upsets. Natural therapists believe that this can lead to fatigue, irritability, headaches and even bowel or colon cancer.
Natural therapists often recommend fasting as a way of giving the organs a rest and the bowels a cleanse. Fasting traditionally involves drinking only water for a period of time. Today natural therapists recommend cleansing and detoxifying the body and the bowels using a variety of cleansing mixtures.
Honey and lemon are known for their cleansing and antibacterial properties. Cayenne pepper is also believed to help stimulate and cleanse the bowel. Add 1 tbsp of honey, half the juice of a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper to a glass of water. Drink 12 glasses of this for three to 12 days to cleanse the bowels.
Psyllium husk is a type of fiber that forms a gel like substance in the digestive tract, helping to sweep out waste as it is eliminated from the bowels during a bowel movement. Add 1 tbsp of this to the lemon, honey and cayenne pepper mixture three times a day during the fast to help cleanse the bowels. Psyllium husk can be purchased in a granulated form and is available from most supermarkets and health food stores.
Apple cider vinegar is known to contain a fiber called pectin. This is believed to cleanse toxins and unhealthy fats from the body as it is eliminated. Add 1 to 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to the mixture to help cleanse the organs and the bowels.
Marshmallow root, fennel and licorice root are known to help cleanse the intestines as well as soothe and coat the lining of the intestines and bowels. Add 1 tsp to a cup of boiled water. Allow the herbs to steep for three to five minutes and then strain and drink. You can drink one to three cups of this tea everyday to help keep the digestive tract healthy.