Herbs for Asthma Prevention
Tinctures are concentrated liquid forms of herbal remedies. You can help prevent bronchial spasms with a tincture made from the dried buds of the grindelia plant. Grindelia is a good antispasmodic, therefore it helps to relax the smooth muscles such as those found in the airways in the lungs. Along with relaxing the muscles, it acts as a bronchodilator, opening up bronchial tubes that are already constricted. Look for grindelia tincture in health food stores. To help prevent asthma symptoms, take 20 to 30 drops of tincture two to three times a day.
Immune System Response
The immune system in asthmatics has a tendency to over-respond to stimuli. This overreaction leads to inflammation of the airways, causing constriction and congestion. Herbs such as boswellia act as anti-inflammatories and can ease chronic symptoms of asthma. Boswellia calms and soothes, keeping the thickness and congestion from building up in the lungs and airways. Available in capsule form at most health food suppliers, take two or three 150 mg capsules twice a day.
Ginkgo is a useful herb for treating inflammation of the airways. It relaxes the smooth muscle in the lungs and decreases inflammation. Take one 40 mg capsule two or three times a day, and see if you feel improvement.
Herbal teas are used to treat many different types of ailments and asthma is no exception. The same kind of green tea you consume with your favorite sushi or other Japanese food can help calm the excess mucous that often accompanies asthma. Drink green tea as often as you like, and increase use when you are experiencing particularly bad symptoms of asthma. You can find many different varieties of green tea at health food and grocery stores.
If your asthma symptoms get worse over time, consult with your physician for other treatment options.