Homemade Gout Cure
Reduce high blood levels of uric acid by immediately eliminating these foods from your diet: alcohol (especially beer), anchovies, asparagus, baker's and brewer's yeast, bouillon, broth, caviar, coffee, dried beans and peas, fish, fried foods (which deplete the body of vitamin E, causing uric acid to rise), gravy, heart, herring, ice cream, kidneys, legumes, liver, mackerel, mushrooms, meat, oatmeal, organ meat, pastries, poultry (turkey and goose), sardines, scallops, shellfish, shrimp, soft drinks, spices, spinach, sugary desserts, sweet breads and white flour. Often, reducing or eliminating these foods from your diet will be successful in reducing or completely eliminating gout. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, especially cherries, blueberries and other dark and red-blue berries, and drink the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon.
Nutritional Supplements and Applied Solutions
Gout can be caused by vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamins A, B5 and E. Take a daily B complex supplement plus pantothenic acid (B5). Vitamin C should taken daily, but avoid large megadoses, which can increase the production of uric acid. Begin taking vitamin E, 100 IUs the first day, then slowly increase to several hundred a day. Take bromelain and fish oil as an anti-inflammatories. L-glutamine is an antacid; take it on an empty stomach along with L-glutathione. Also take L-glycine and L-methionine. Take magnesium and shark cartilage to relieve pain. Supplements to avoid are molybdenum, iron and more than 50 mg of niacin per day. Herbs beneficial to curing gout include alfalfa, bilberry and black cohash. Celery seed--500 mg twice a day and not to be used by pregnant women--are anti-inflammatory. Cook 1 tbls. of seeds in water until they soften. Several homemade solutions can applied directly to affected areas. Warm some castor oil and dip in a piece of white flannel cloth. Wring it out and cover the skin. Plastic food wrap can cover the cloth, with a heating pad placed on top. Leave on for one hour, and repeat twice daily. Another homemade treatment is to boil 1 tbls. of cayenne pepper along with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of vinegar. This solution can be applied to the affected area.
Other Factors
Do not exercise when you have gout, as this may cause uric acid crystals to form in the kidneys. Lose weight, but not by exercising. Instead, reduce calories and drink at least eight glasses of water daily, which will also dilute the uric acid concentration of urine. Be aware that stress, candida and the use of antibiotics can all be triggers for gout. Stress, for example, raises uric acid levels. Another trigger can be severe dieting or fasting. Aspirin can also raise uric acid levels, so if you must take something for pain relief, take a product with ibuprofen instead. If gout occurs in the toes, ankles or feet, keep the leg elevated. For men, increase sexual activity, as this reduces uric acid levels.