Medicinal Uses for Clivia Miniata
Plant and Growth Habits
The Kaffir lily is part of the amarylidaceae family. It has large flower clusters and distinctive broad, glossy green leaves that grow in a fan shape. Kaffir lilies grow naturally only in Africa but are cultivated all over the world. They grow in dappled sunlight and rich, well-drained soil.
Medicinal Properties
In Africa, where traditional health practitioners seriously outnumber university-trained physicians, many people use herbal remedies. Clivia miniata, the lovely Kaffir lily, is valued for medicinal properties including muscle and uterine stimulation and pain relief.
Harvest for Medicinal Use
Kaffir lilies are native to South Africa, where they grow in large groups in forests and wooded areas. For herbal remedies, the whole plant is harvested, including the rhizomes. Unfortunately, over-harvesting (a result of demand among a growing population) has decreased the plant's abundance and growth cycles.
During Labor and Childbirth
An infusion of Clivia miniata leaves is used to induce labor and speed contractions. Ingesting too much can overstimulate uterine contractions and cause complications.
Pain Relief
Clivia miniata rhizomes, or tuberous roots, are used for fever, and the plant extract is also used to treat snakebite and relieve pain.