Use of Colloidal Silver for Treatment of Colitis
Colitis defines a number of conditions that cause inflammation of the large intestine. Examples include Crohn's Disease or ulcerative colitis. Causes vary, but it can be associated with infection, or in some cases radiation treatment. Some symptoms to watch for are abdominal pain, bloating, blood in stools, or recurring fever and dehydration. In some forms, it can be very serious. In all forms, it is uncomfortable.
Colloidal Silver
Advocates of colloidal silver claim it works by attacking the enzymes that affect the growth and metabolism of bacteria, rendering them inert or ineffective. It is available in drops. The recommended dosage for colitis is 25 drops under the tongue, four times a day.
The body does not produce silver naturally, and some scientists feel that long-term use can lead to a build-up of silver in the tissues.
Side Effects
Many homeopaths say there are no reported side effects with the use of colloidal silver. However, some patients have developed a condition called argyria. Argyria is a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, nails and gum. While not medically dangerous, argyria is permanent. Other possible side effects include seizures, kidney damage, headache, fatigue and stomach problems.
Colloidal Silver is not a product approved by the FDA. In fact, the FDA has issued warnings about possible fraud in the advertising of colloidal silver. If you have symptoms associated with an inflamed bowel, you should see your doctor. Blood in your stools can be a serious sign of illness, so it's important to eliminate colon cancer as the cause. If you are on medication for other conditions, be sure to discuss the use of colloidal silver with your physician before taking it.