The Best Alternative Treatment for Active Ulcerative Colitis
Most people have used aloe vera at some point in their lives, probably for sunburn. Available as a concentrated juice, it's recommended for treatment of intestinal problems. A standard dose for digestive upset is 1 to 2 ounces, three times a day. You may have to experiment and determine what works best for you. There are no known side effects to aloe.
Boswellia Gum Resin
Boswellia is a product used in India for centuries. Derived for the gummy extract of the boswellia tree, the resin is concentrated and made into capsules. The recommend dosage for ulcerative colitis is 550 mg, three times daily for eight to 12 weeks. The side effects are diarrhea, skin rash, and nausea. It's also a good supplement for both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
The healing nature of probiotics is in the spotlight these days, with new products coming on the market daily. Probiotics are bacteria that exist normally in your body, called flora. They help fight infection. If your body was a war zone, probiotics would be the backup soldiers, defending against invasion. Probiotics will help any digestive or intestinal problems you might have. You can take probiotics in yogurt, specially treated bottled water, herbal teas or by increasing your intake of artichokes and leeks.
If you have ulcerative colitis, it's important to adjust your diet to deal with the condition. You should avoid fast food, animal fat, and sugar. Look for more sources of omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, found in seafood like salmon, herring, and albacore tuna. There may be many other changes to you'll need to make to your diet, so discuss this with your doctor.
Ulcerative colitis is an uncomfortable illness and potentially dangerous. If you are having problems with pain, bleeding or constant diarrhea, you should see you doctor for a complete exam. These symptoms could suggest a number of life threatening illnesses. If you are taking any type of medication, be sure to discuss supplements with you doctor to avoid interactions.
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