Herbal Ways to Stop Smoking
Preparing with Herbs
Stopping smoking requires preparation and planning. Herbal treatments can be used in advance of your quitting date to prepare for the withdrawal. Set a date on the calendar and begin using your herbal remedies before that date. This will allow the herbs to begin working to help you when the time comes to throw away your cigarettes.
Use herbal supplements or steep herbs in tea for an effective stop-smoking remedy. Herbal treatments can not only get you through the difficult phases of smoking cessation, but they can restore your good health as well.
A good plan for quitting should have multiple avenues of support. Willpower alone is usually not enough to give up something as addictive as cigarette smoking.
Herbs for Easing Withdrawal
Valerian root is a commonly used herb for smoking cessation. This herb has a relaxing effect and can ease the tension you feel during withdrawal from nicotine. While withdrawing from nicotine, some patients might find it difficult to sleep. Valerian root is also used as a sleep aid and can encourage a deep and restorative rest at night. Use 300 mg to 600mg of valerian root once a day to help with withdrawal symptoms.
Try St. John's wort for anxiety during nicotine withdrawal. Many people use this herb to treat depression and anxiety naturally. Always let your doctor know when you are using herbal treatments, especially St. John's wort. This herbal treatment can have dangerous interactions with prescription medications that you are using. Use 300mg of St. John's wort one or two times per day as needed to ease withdrawal symptoms.
Oat straw works on the central nervous system and is helpful in withdrawing from cigarettes. The alkaloids in oat straw are responsible for its calming affect on the nervous system. It is also rich in zinc and magnesium which help to nourish the body during withdrawal. Use 600mg of oat straw one or two times per day for these benefits.
Herbal Products
Natural herbal products are also available that are made specifically for quitting smoking. Whole-foods stores and vitamin websites carry this type of herbal treatment. These formulas combine the most effective herbal treatments for quitting cigarettes. Having a plan and sticking with it is an effective approach to giving up nicotine. Make sure that you get as much support as you can while you are going through nicotine withdrawal.