Properties of Calendula Extract
Calendula, an herb also known as pot marigold, marigold, holligold and maybud, is an annual flower that has been used by many cultures for thousands of years. It is admired for its decorative purposes, but it also has uses in cooking, aromatherapy and healing. Calendula extract is often used as an alternative medical treatment for skin conditions, menstrual problems and immune deficiencies.-
Calendula contains beta-carotene, carotenoids, isoquercitrin, narcissin, rutin, amyrin, lupeol, sterols and volatile oils. The flowers also contain complex polysaccharides that have immunostimulant properties.
Calendula flowers grow on bushy, branched stems. They are bright yellow and orange in color and bloom in the summer and fall in most areas. The whole flower heads and petals are used to make an extract (with alcohol and water) that has many medicinal purposes.
Internal Uses
Calendula extract is used in gargling treatments for ulcers of the mouth and throat. It also is used to heal gastric ulcers, help with menstruation issues, swollen glands, hepatitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.
External Uses
Calendula extract is used in tinctures or creams to treat eczema, conjunctivitis, eczema, yeast infections, herpes, gingivitis, ringworm, cradle cap and athletes foot. It is also used for its immunostimulant properties to treat burns, skin conditions and hemorrhoids.
Other Uses
Calendula is also used in aromatherapy to help heal skin. Extract is removed by steeping petals in a base of apricot or almond oil.