Home Remedy for the Sniffles
Saline Nasal Wash
Using a saline nasal wash to keep the lining of the nostrils moist will help alleviate the discomfort associated with both runny and stuffed up noses. Dissolve a half teaspoon of salt into a half cup of boiling water. Wait until the water has cooled to room temperature. Using a cotton swab, dip the end into the solution and apply the mixture to each nostril. Use two drops per nostril and make sure to use a fresh cotton swab for each side.
Hot Tea
Hot tea is soothing for the throat, will open up nasal passages, and relieve pressure and blockage within the sinuses. There are different types of teas that will aid in your recovery. Cayenne pepper tea and thyme tea are two of the most effective remedies.
Boil a pot of water. Using a mug or similar-sized cup, add a half teaspoon of cayenne pepper, two teaspoons of honey and a wedge of lemon to the cup. Then pour the boiling water over the combination. This will open up your sinuses almost immediately and boost your immune system. If you are not keen on using cayenne pepper try thyme instead. Use two teaspoons of thyme for every cup of water and sweeten with honey.
Steam is a very easy and effective way to help relieve symptoms associated with the sniffles. Taking a hot shower in the morning when you wake up will aid in opening up your sinuses for the day and help release trapped mucus in your throat and nasal passages.
If you do not want to take a shower, you can breathe the steam over a pot of boiling water. Take a large pot and boil eight cups of water. You can add three to four drops of eucalyptus oil to the water, which will contribute to opening and soothing the nasal passages. Fennel may also be boiled in the water in place of eucalyptus. Once the water has finished boiling, turn off the heat on the stove. Take a towel and drape it over your head and shoulders. Lean your face over the pot of water at a comfortable distance and breathe deeply. Continue to do this for 14 to 20 minutes. You can perform this remedy twice a day.