Chinese Herbal Methods for Kidney & Liver Buildups
Herbal treatment has great significance in Chinese medicine and has been used for thousands of years. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), deficiency or excess of energy in the body makes the individual vulnerable to external "evils." Obstructions such as kidney and liver buildups are also the result of this energy deficiency, which makes the body susceptible to external toxins accumulating in the kidneys and liver.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys produce a burning energy or a fire and when they are deficient of this energy, the kidneys present abnormal functions and develop disorders like urinary tract infections and diabetes. Chinese herbal treatment focuses on toning the kidneys; it drains toxins and moves blood stagnation. Herbs such as Jin Qian Cao, Yu Mi Xu, Ji Gu Cao, Shi Wei and Tu fu Ling are commonly used for these therapies, and are administered orally.
Chinese herbs for liver treatment contain organic acids, tannins, amino acids, sugars, saponins, volatile oil and resins. It is not yet discovered which components are chief agents of treating liver, but it is likely that each one contributes to the therapeutic effects.
There are more than 5,000 medicinal herbs in China, of which there is a small number that could be toxic to the human body. These herbs can be shipped by mistake and used for herbal medicines and consequently cause dangerous reactions.
Not all the herbs are thoroughly tested and sometimes their interaction process with human body is not known. Due to these limitations, information on side effects should be taken into consideration.
The FDA issued a warning statement for diabetic patients to avoid some brands of Chinese herbal products. These products were known to have illegal prescription of glyburide, a substance with life-threatening consequences in some people.