What Is Yellow Root Good For?
American Indian Medicinal Uses
American Indians utilized yellow root for mouth and stomach ulcers. It also was utilized as a health tonic and to treat external sores.
Folk Medicinal Uses
The berberine in yellow root is thought to temporarily lower blood pressure. This is a folk remedy in certain parts of North America. Other folk medicine uses of yellow root are for sore throats, childbirth, mouth infections and diabetes.
Modern Medicine
Modern medicine has found potential usage of yellow root. This includes the treatment of diarrhea and sore gums.
Yellow root is used as a substitute for goldenseal. Yellow root is also an alternative name for goldenseal, although these are two separate herbs.
Yellow root also stimulates bilirubin and bile production, which may help liver health.
In large enough amounts, yellow root may be toxic. Deer won't eat it.