Home Remedies for a Weak Liver

According to the book "Conquering Chronic Illnesses Without Drugs or Surgery" by Julia Chang, a weak liver causes a host of health problems. These conditions include fatigue, heart palpitations, allergies, frequent urination and poor eyesight. A weak liver is congested or stagnate and unable to function at optimal capacity. Home remedies are a way to strengthen the liver and make it less susceptible to disease.
  1. Take Vitamin C

    • Vitamin C is a nutrient that has been researched many times in the treatment of liver diseases. The article "15 Ways to Love Your Liver" by Andrew Saul reports that a study at the University of Michigan Medical School shows that vitamin C protects the liver and reduces the likelihood of damage. Taking vitamin C regularly is shown to prevent cirrhosis of the liver. A high dosage of 50,000 mg of vitamin C each day has even cured viral hepatitis. While a daily intake of vitamin C is good for a weak liver, taking very high doses of the vitamin should only be taken under medical supervision. Saul reports that an intake of 500 mg a day is an acceptable dosage for people without serious liver diseases. Other sources of vitamin C besides supplements are citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit.

    Take B Complex Vitamins

    • A vitamin B complex supplement every day is good for the liver as well, reports Saul. Vitamin B-12 is especially good for a weak liver. It reduces jaundice or yellowing of the skin. Folic acid is another good vitamin for liver problems. Saul writes, "Folate has been shown to help shorten the recovery time for viral hepatitis." In addition to taking supplements of vitamin B complex, eating foods rich in these vitamins are also good for the liver. Green, leafy vegetables are a good source of vitamin B. If you take the supplement, read the instruction on the label.

    Use Herbs

    • Another way to treat the liver is to use herbs. These herbs clean out the liver and strengthen the liver or provide necessary nutrients. The article "The Liver Herbs" on the Gay Men's Health Crisis website suggests milk thistle, turmeric, ginger and burdock root as beneficial for the liver. Use only one of these herbs at a time. Purchase the herb as teas or as supplements and be sure to read the instructions on the label. If you have any concerns consult with an herbalist or naturopathic doctor.

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