The Effects of Lemon Balm Vs. Kava Kava
Lemon Balm in the garden.
Lemon Balm was steeped in wine during the Middle Ages to elevate mood. It was also used to treat insect bites and stings by rubbing the leaves on the affected area. Kava Kava, which is believed to originate from Melanesia, was used in a ceremonial drink for its relaxation properties.
Kava Kava is a bush native to the islands in the Pacific Ocean and is identifiable by its large, heart-shaped, green leaves. Lemon Balm is an herb from the mint family with small, deeply-wrinkled leaves ranging from deep green to a yellow-green, depending on its soil conditions. Rubbing the leaves of the Lemon Balm plant produces a strong, unmistakable lemon scent.
A study conducted in 2004 showed Kava Kava as having the ability to improve a person's mood, while also increasing that person's cognitive abilities. As many other anxiety medications tend to decrease cognitive ability, this was seen as a positive side effect. When studies were conducted on the effectiveness of Lemon Balm on anxiety, Lemon Balm was not used alone and, therefore, it is inconclusive as to whether it was Lemon Balm or the other medication that reduced anxiety.
Kava Kava has been linked to liver damage, resulting in removal of products containing Kava Kava from the shelves in Canada and Europe. In response, the FDA issued a warning stating there was a risk of liver damage when using products containing Kava Kava. Other side effects of Kava Kava range from drowsiness and a feeling of intoxication to hair loss and skin discoloration.
In contrast, Lemon Balm has no known side effects when used. Caution is always recommended when using herbal remedies and those using Lemon Balm for medicinal reasons should consult their physician prior to starting treatment.
Those already suffering from reduced liver function should steer clear of Kava Kava and one should not operate machinery or drive after taking Kava Kava due to its intoxicating effects.
Lemon Balm appears safe, in recommended dosages, for both children and adults with no ill side effects. It should be noted that neither Lemon Balm nor Kava Kava should be taken by pregnant or breast feeding women.