What Is Kola Nut Extract?
Kola nut was used by indigenous people of Western and Central Africa, and was brought to the New World by slaves. It was used in many cola drinks in the United States and other countries.
The effects of Kola nut extract are very similar to an equivalent dose of caffeine, which it contains.
Kola nut extract was also found to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells in a study published in the Journal of Toxicology in 2009, by Rajasree Solipuram and a team of researchers.
There is a long history of use of this product, both in the U.S. and in its traditional localities. The American Medical Association has stated: "Moderate tea or coffee drinkers probably need have no concern for their health relative to their caffeine consumption provided other lifestyle habits (diet, alcohol consumption) are moderate, as well."
Caffeine can have some negative side effects, though, by disrupting sleep patterns and also increasing the heart rate, which can pose problems for anyone with a heart condition.