Horsetail Medicinal Uses
Kidney Health, Ulcers and Burns
Horsetail is a diuretic and has been known to help in such as conditions kidney stones and urinary infections. Horsetail is used to stop bleeding and to help heal ulcers and burns.
Bones and Connective Parts
Because horsetail contains large amounts of silica and sillic acids, it is used as a supplement to guard against osteoporosis. It is used to help heal such problems as sprains and broken bones.
General Health
Horsetail is used as a re-mineralizer. Its silica property makes it useful for repairing cartilage, connective tissue, skin and ligaments.
Horsetail retains gold in high levels for a plant. This property is utilized for treatment of arthritis patients, who are thought to benefit from gold.
Horsetail can cause side effects such as potassium depletion. Taking horsetail is discouraged if you are pregnant, and small children should not suck on the horsetail stem.