Herbal Remedy for Uterine Fibroids
The role of estrogen
Estrogen plays a role in the development of fibroids in a woman's body. Excess estrogen levels that are typically present during the time of perimemopause can cause rapid growth of fibroids. Because your liver is one of the primary organs that regulates hormones, it makes sense to strengthen the liver with appropriate herbs. This will help the liver process estrogen more effectively, moving it out of the body.
Reducing estrogen levels can help to shrink the size of fibroids. While it is likely that herbs may be able to reduce the size of some fibroids, there is no evidence that they can eliminate fibroids entirely.
Liver-Strengthening Tea
Tea made from herbs that enpower the liver can help with fibroids. To ease mild symptoms and keep smaller fibroids from growing make an herbal tea. Burdock, dandelion, yellow dock, red clover, cleavers, nettle, milk thistle, and vervain are all helpful in enhancing liver function. Place equal parts of each of these herbs into a large bowl. Mix them together well. Put about one ounce of the mixture in a saucepan large enough to hold one quart of boiling water. Steep for two hours, strain, and drink two cups of this tea every day. This tea may be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Reheat if you would like. Use this tea for a four week time frame, then take a one week break. After repeating this cycle for three times, have your fibroids re-evaluated by your physician. You might find that your fibroids have shrunk in size.
Castor Oil
Castor oil packs can be helpful in treating painful cramps associated with fibroids and can also aid in the shrinking of the fibroid itself. Saturate a small piece of cotton or flannel with some castor oil, place over your abdomen, and cover with plastic wrap. You might want to place a heating pad over the pack to keep it warm. Keep the castor oil pack on for about an hour while you are in a reclining position and relax. Do this as often as you like for relief.
Consult you physician if you experience severe symptoms from fibroids such as heavy bleeding, severe pain or a feeling of pressure on internal organs such as the bladder. There are surgical and pharmaceutical options available.