Herbal Help for Restless Legs
Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
Depending on your diet, you may find that you are not getting a sufficient level of these three key minerals each day. A lack of any three of these has been shown to lead to the jumpy feeling in the legs that results from restless leg syndrome. That's because all three contain chemicals that help promote muscle relaxation and assist in nerve transmission. Problems in these two areas lead to restless leg syndrome, so take supplements of all three to combat this.
St. John's Wort
This herbal blossom is best taken as a tea mixture. Add a teaspoon of wort to hot water for a well-mixed cup of tea, and drink three cups a day for best results. St. John's Wort is known to aid in the operation and upkeep of nervous tissue, defects of which lead to restless leg syndrome. Additionally, an extra cup of the tea taken at night can help promote good sleep, which is key to battling restless leg discomfort.
Valerian Root
In much the same way St. John's Wort can help by promoting good sleep, valerian root is known to greatly enhance deep sleep. Mix a teaspoon of valerian root in hot water to make a tea and drink before bed. The natural sedative effects of the root will help relax you into sleep. A deeper and more relaxed sleep will over time greatly lessen and even eliminate some of the more common symptoms of restless leg syndrome.
Horse Chestnut
Another common symptom of restless leg syndrome is a burning or itching sensation in the legs. This is usually caused by insufficient blood flow through the leg area, and can be combated with a supplement containing horse chestnut. The leaves, bark and seeds of horse chestnut stabilize vascular membranes, which in turn help increase blood flow and alleviate burning and itching sensations. Because it affects blood flow, horse chestnut should be used with caution. It may interfere with blood thinning medication, and is one of the rare group of natural supplements that should be taken only after a doctor consultation.