Herbal Remedy for Kidney Stones
The most common type of kidney stone is formed from either calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate. Herbs along with water, vitamin supplementation and diet changes can have a significant impact helping to prevent and eliminate these types of kidney stones.
Most importantly, drink a lot of water. Three to four quarts of water is recommended, according to the National Kidney Foundation. This will make your urine less concentrated and can help reduce the formation of stones.
Supplement your diet with 250 mg of Vitamin B a day, but make sure to check with your physician before adding vitamins to your treatment plan.
Your doctor might also suggest you eliminate some foods from your diet that increase the levels of oxalate in the body. This is the kidney-stone-forming material; limit those foods that contain high levels of this substance. Chocolate, tea, nuts, strawberries and green, leafy vegetables are some of the culprits.
During an Attack
To help pass the stone, drinking copious amounts of water can help. Along with water, add some herbal tea to your treatment plan. Dandelion leaf tea is a diuretic herb that increases urine output by stimulating the blood circulation through the kidneys. This exercise helps flush the stone out of your system faster. Unlike diuretic drugs, dandelion leaf tea does not deplete the body of potassium; in fact, a cup of cooked dandelion greens contains as much potassium as a small banana. Look for dandelion tea in your local health food store. If you cannot find this particular tea, you can substitute goldenrod tea, which, along with having diuretic properties, helps repair the inflammation caused by passing the stone.
Tissue Repair
The lining of the urinary tract is made up of mucous membranes that protect it from irritation and inflammation. Protect and repair these tissues by drinking marshmallow tea. Marshmallow is a good source of something called mucilage. Mucilage is composed of large sugar molecules that make a gooey, gel-like mass when they soak up water. This will help with the repair of the urinary tract after a kidney stone passes. Look for marshmallow tea at your local health food store, and drink one cup of the tea three times a day before meals.
Consult your physician if you develop symptoms of kidney stones. These symptoms include pain that radiates from the upper part of the back to the lower part of the abdomen, frequent urination, blood and pus in the urine and chills and fever.