Herbs for Post Nasal Drip
Steam Inhalations
Steam inhalations are an effective way to treat post-nasal drip. Steam inhalations are safe to do several times a day, and help to clear congestion and make the secretions in the nose and throat thinner and less bothersome. Eucalyptus is a popular herb and essential oil for use in steam inhalations. It is able to full penetrate the mucous membranes and reduce congestion. Do this type of herbal inhalation twice a day for relief. Simply put a couple of drops of eucalyptus essential oil into a bowl of steaming hot water and breath in the vapors. You can place a towel over your head to capture the steam. Look for eucalyptus essential oil in your local health food store.
Another effective steam inhalation for post nasal drip is to use the herbs rosemary, thyme and peppermint. Use fresh herbs if you have them, or dried herbs from your grocer or health food store. For an easy inhalation, simply place about one teaspoon of each herb into a bowl of steaming water, and breathe the vapors for about five minutes. Repeat once or twice a day until symptoms subside. This inhalation will help to warm, moisten and loosen the troublesome mucous in your system and allow for complete drainage.
Sometimes herbal teas are quite effective in treating post-nasal drip symptoms. Echinacea is commonly used to treat sinusitis infections, and can be helpful in boosting your immune system function. Drink about six cups of echninacea tea per day to relieve your symptoms. Look for cut and sifted echinacea root at your health food store. Add about six large teaspoons of the herb to six cups of water and boil for ten minutes. Remove from heat, and steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink. This should give you enough tea for an entire day. Continue consumption until your symptoms subside.
Tinctures are herbal mixtures with healing properties. Oregon grape is commonly used to fight infection, and can help alleviate symptoms like post-nasal drip. Look for Oregon grape tincture in your health food store and follow dosing instructions carefully.
While herbal preparations can help relieve symptoms associated with infections or allergies, such as post-nasal drip, if you continue to be bothered with symptoms, consult your physician for other treatment options.