Thyromine Side Effects
Weight Loss Pills
Thyromine is used in cases of hypothyroidism. It is also being promoted as a natural weight loss drug because when the ingredients work to increase levels of thyroid, they also increase your metabolism.
A lot of marketing hype surrounds thyromine. While proponents believe that thyromine is effective both as a weight loss tool and as an aid for thyroid problems, there is no conclusive evidence within the medical community to prove either claim. Furthermore, even advocates of thyromine concede that it takes a long time to see significant effects from taking thyromine.
Side Effects
As of 2009, there are no established long or short-term side effects associated with taking thyromine. However, this does not mean that there are no potential side effects, just that none have been established or listed. Thyromine is not approved or regulated by the FDA as a drug treatment, and so patients should take thyromine at their own risk. Furthermore, thyromine does not contain active, established weight loss ingredients. Thyromine actually reduces weight by increasing thyroid functions, which is not established as a safe or useful method of weight loss unless a doctor diagnoses a thyroid imbalance as the cause of the weight problems. Even when thyroid problems are present, the exact proportion of hormone needed to resolve the insufficiency has to be administered, otherwise imbalance may persist after treatment.
Thyromine should not be taken by pregnant women or women who are planning to become pregnant. Thyromine could potentially thin blood during pregnancy, leading to complications.
The fundamental way in which thyromine works is a little unscientific. One of the ways the thyroid glands functions is by using iodine. The iodine in thyromine may help boost this function, but this may only be possible in people for whom the thyroid deficiency is entirely due to iodine insufficiency. If the malfunction is due to any other reason, thyromine may not be useful.