The Side Effects of Clavatum
Clavatum is used in a variety of conditions and ailments in homeopathy. It is commonly used for digestive problems, including flatulence, pains and cramps of the stomach and abdomen, and heartburn. Clavatum is also useful for painful urination, acute sore throats and liver ailments. It is also used extensively as an anti-pruritic, i.e., an anti-itching agent, analgesic, anti-rheumatic, decongestant and as a haemostatic to control internal bleeding.
Other Uses
The spores of clavatum are put to a few other non-medicinal uses. The spores can be used in talcum powder to help keep substances from sticking to each other; in fireworks and in making mats. In the early stages, it was also used for stage lighting and flash photography.
Clavatum is considered an alternative medicine. Advocates, including ABC Homeopathy, an online website that specializes in alternative cures, believe that clavatum is useful. Because it is not used in traditional medicine as a healing aid, there are no conclusive scientific studies that prove it is an effective treatment for the ailments it claims to cure.
Side Effects
Homeopaths, including ABC Homeopathy, claim that clavatum, like all other medications in homeopathy is remarkably free of side effects. However, the spores may have some side effects. Mice who were given large doses of clavatum showed excessive muscle movement when eating (peristalsis) within the small intestines and the contractions of the uterus. Some patients have also suffered from allergic reactions.
Side Effects of Prolonged Use
Clavatum, or club moss, is not recommended for prolonged used in humans. When taken in large doses, clavatum can cause vomiting, diarrhea and irritation of the mucus membranes. Prolongued use can result in irritation to the lining of the throat, stomach, mouth and intestine. Other side effects of prolonged use include allergic and asthmatic reactions.