Herbal Cure of Numbness in the Hand

While no herb can actually cure numbness in the hand, numerous herbs can help to ease the pain of numbness along with being able to restore and heal nervous tissue in the hands and the rest of the body. Consult with your physician before embarking on any herbal treatment program for hand numbness.
  1. Definition

    • Hand numbness is defined as an abnormal sensation created by a change in sensory nerve function. It may result from carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetic nerve damage or multiple sclerosis, among other things.

      Numbness may be started by a breakdown of the nervous system or a lack of proper diet and exercise. Before embarking on an herbal treatment program for numbness in the hands, try to boost your exercise level to 30 minutes a day. It is also important to take a B-complex vitamin along with essential fatty acids. Try this regime for about two weeks and if you notice improvement you may be able to avoid taking herbal supplements or teas altogether. If, however, you notice no improvement, there are plenty of herbal options for you.

      St. John's Wort helps to restore healthy functioning of the nervous system along with reducing inflammation of the nervous system. Combine with lavender or skullcap for even more of a beneficial effect. Drink two cups per day to alleviate symptoms.

      A comparable herb to St. John's Wort is vervain (verbena officinalis), which can help with body spasms and numbness of the hands. Look for it in health food stores in ointment form, and follow label instructions carefully.

      Peppermint essential oil can be massaged into numb areas of the hands to stimulate them and improve circulation.


    • A common cause of numbness in the hands is lack of circulation. Some herbs are useful for improving circulation and can help improve oxygen flow into parts of the body that may be experiencing numbness.

      When used in combination, the herbs Siberian ginseng, ginger root and gingko biloba help the circulatory system and improve levels of energy. Use 300 mg. of ginseng, 250 mg. of ginger and 120 mg. of the gingko extract once during the day to reduce the sensation of numbness. Mix these extracts in a glass of water to make them more palatable.

      When used in combination, these oral and topically applied remedies can help to restore feeling to your hands with little or no side effects. If you continue to experience excessive numbness in your hands consult your physician for other treatment options.

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