Natural Sources of Progesterone
Natural Progesterone Cream
Soya Beans
Soy products are often spoken of for their health benefits. The soya-bean is also the best source of bio-identical progesterone ( The label should say the cream contains bio-identical progesterone. Look for creams with at least 30 milligrams of USP grade progesterone per gram. This will ensure that you will receive the most effective absorption of it.
Mexican Wild Yam
In 1943, Russell Marker developed a way to process the steroid diosgenin from wild Mexican yam plants. Theoretically the body would synthesize this into progesterone. It was later found that this is not the case. While Mexican yam extracts are excellent for other purposes, you should not use yam creams as progesterone replacement.
Progesterone cream is easily absorbed through the skin for use in the body. It is fat soluble, and should be applied in places where the blood vessels are close to the skin (breast, inner arms, neck) as well as on the abdomen. Sufficient progesterone levels provide balance for estrogen and testosterone in the system. It can help with mood, skin, hair, blood pressure, memory, and weight loss besides specific menopausal issues.
For decades, doctors have prescribed a synthetic progesterone replacement called progestin. It is chemically created and has been found to have numerous possible side effects. Statistics show an increase in the incidence of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and Alzeimer's with the use of traditional hormone replacement therapy (e.g. Prempro, Premarin).
Before beginning a hormone replacement therapy, you should see your health care provider to rule out any other health issues. While progesterone poses little risk by itself, if you are also using phytoestrogens like lavender or black cohosh, you may be keeping yourself in a state of estrogen dominance. It's a good idea to be tested by a physician who believes in bio-identical hormone therapy rather than traditional hormone therapy replacement (HRT).