Apricot as a Cancer Cure
What is Amagdylin?
The highest concentration of amagdylin is in apricot seed kernels. To get to these soft kernels you have to break through the hard exterior.
The seeds taste bitter, so in order to get the recommended dose you can add it to your food or chop it up, add a teaspoon of honey or applesauce and swallow. According to Dr. Krebs, a person needs to eat seven or more apricot seeds per day making it impossible for cancer to develop. If you can't find apricot seeds, or don't like the taste, you can take one or two 100 milligram tablets of B17 vitamins per day.
If You Don't Have Cancer
If you want to keep cancer from developing in your body, start eating one or two apricot seeds per day. Gradually increase this until you are eating seven to ten apricot seeds per day. Stay away from eating things that have refined sugar, caffeine and white flour in them. Increase your consumption of raw foods and stay away from processed foods. Most fruit seeds contain B17, as do beans and wheat grass.
If You Have Cancer
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you should B17 injected into your vein every day in the amount of 9 grams for 21 days and eat at least six apricot seeds per hour. Eat only one or two at a time when you first begin and slowly build to six. If you don't start slowly, the seeds can make you feel sick. If you don't like the idea of having a shot, then you can take up to eighteen 500-milligram tablets and up to six seeds per hour. Again, start out by eating only one or two seeds to begin with. By taking laetrile, your body produces more B12.
The Problem
Once you start the B17 regime, you have to keep taking it for the rest of your life. Your cancer shrinks, but does not go away. If you have a CAT scan or MRI, the cancer will still show.
There are warnings if you take Laetrile. Laetrile forms thiocyanate. This can cause your blood pressure to lower. If you are taking blood pressure medicine or have heart problems, taking Laetrile may cause problems. Many people on the laetrile protocol also use proteolytic enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes are blood thinners. If you are on probiotics do not take laetrile. Taking the two together may increase free hydrogen cyanide, a colorless, volatile, extremely poisonous flammable liquid. Do not take the electromedicine treatment, Bob Beck Protocol, with Laetrile. Before combining Laetrile with any alternative cancer treatments or medications, talk to your doctor first.