Chinese Herbs for Kidneys
The Kidneys in Western Medicine
The kidneys are responsible for removing waste and water from the blood, releasing hormones, keeping blood pressure levels within the normal range, helping to form red blood cells, and even producing vitamin D, a necessary nutrient for bone health.
Symptoms of Kidney Disease
Because kidneys make urine, one of the most recognizable symptoms of kidney problems is a change in urine. Urine may appear pale and foamy and frequent urination is also possible.
Chinese Herbs for Kidney Health
The use of herbs to restore and maintain health is a vital part of traditional Chinese medicine. Treatments favor the consumption of herbal extract capsules, teas, and other natural remedies to restore the body's balance.
Ho Shou Wu
Ho Shou Wu is a well-known kidney tonic that also provides energy. Because Ho Shou Wu is a hard to digest, it is recommended to avoid consuming garlic, chives and onions in order to avoid taxing the digestive system.
Cistanche is a considered to be an essential herb in treating kidney disorders because it is said to resolve urinary problems including incontinence. Care must be taken when using this herb because it must not come in contact with iron.
Ginseng is one of the most popular Chinese herbs because of the health benefits it provides. This herb limits the amount of heat that is present in the kidneys thereby helping to restore the kidney health.