How to Make Herb-Infused Olive Oil

Olive oil is an integral ingredient of many, many dishes. From tomato sauce to dressings, from being lightly drizzled on roasted vegetables to a dip for hard crusted bread. But the price tag of specialty olive oils such as herb infused olive oils is not cheap. Here is a way to make your own!

Things You'll Need

  • Olive Oil
  • Variety of Fresh Herbs
  • Sterilized Bottles
  • Cork or Rubber Top for Bottles
  • Sauce Pan or Small Stock Pot
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      Choose your herbs and spices. This is the fun part as you can make many variations of herb-infused olive oil. Some suggestions for herbs and spices are rosemary, garlic, basil, bay, chives, dill, mint, marjoram, tarragon and thyme. Again try a few different combinations and make a few different bottles.

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      Wash and dry your herbs. After washing, leave your herbs out to dry. Slightly tear or bruise the herbs so that they begin to release their aroma and flavors.

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      Heat the oil. Over a low flame, heat the oil until it is warm. Not hot, simply warm. This can best be done in a small stock pot or sauce pan.

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      Stuff herbs into bottles. Place your chosen herbs and spices into the bottles. A little goes a very long way, so don't overdue it. There's no need to overly stuff each bottle.

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      Pour oil into bottles. Pour the warm oil into the bottles over the herbs and spices. Let the bottles sit for a while until cool.

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      Place cork or rubber top onto bottle. Then set the bottle in a cool dark place for about a week.

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      Strain out herbs. After a week, strain out the herbs and spices. If you use garlic, be sure to refrigerate the oil rather than store it in a cool dark place to avoid botulism. Again, this oil should continue to be store out of direct sunlight and in a cool dark place. Congratulations, you have just learned how to make your very own herb-infused olive oil!

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