Mineral & Vitamin Cure for Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Calcium and Vitamin D
Osteoporosis is a condition where there is a degeneration of the bones, primarily resulting from a calcium deficiency. This condition can aggravate cervical stenosis as the bones become brittle, and may lead to severe impairment of nerve functioning. One of the problems that can occur with calcium deficiency is that calcium is not always absorbed by the body from supplements, which are a commonly suggested remedy. In the Healthy Living Community at Wellsphere.com, Robert A. Wascher, MD, FACS discusses how Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption. This is an important fact for those suffering from spinal stenosis, as healthy spinal bones help prevent compression and pain on the spinal cord.
He does warn that taking excessive levels of vitamin D may be toxic. Always discuss any new supplement program with your doctor to make sure you are taking the proper dose.
Other Vitamins
Vitamins have been shown to be vital for spinal cord development, repair and health. Many people who suffer from cervical spinal stenosis have damage to peripheral nerves going to the arms, legs, hands, feet or bladder. This damage results from compression of the spinal cord not leaving enough room for the nerve roots to move freely through the vertebrae. The result may be permanent if the compression is not removed or alleviated.
According to Cure-Back-Pain.org, vitamin B12 is important in keeping the nervous system functioning properly. Vitamins A, C and K are also important for a healthy spine. Patients who are at risk of osteoporosis should also consider taking a magnesium supplement to promote bone health.
According to report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, n-3 acids may influence bone mineral density. Nerve functioning is also affected by fatty acids, B1, B6, lipolic acid, curcumin and L-carnitine supplements, according to many holistic websites including LifeExtension.com.