Herbs for Kidney Failure
Hypertension is a condition in which a patient suffers from chronic and ongoing high blood pressure. It is also one of the main causes of kidney failure. Regular ingestion of the herbal remedy Zea mays can be beneficial as the chemical compounds in the herb can reduce inflammation of renal tissues. Zea mays contains glycloproteins that produce interferon, the proteins that function as infection fighting agents throughout the body. Additionally, it acts as a diuretic, increasing the flow of fluids through the system, flushing harmful toxins in the process. In liquid form, the standard dosage ranges from 15 to 60 drops per day mixed into the beverage of your choice. Dry forms are commonly brewed into cups of hot tea and enjoyed three to five times a day. Similar results can be achieved by using the herbs Taraxacum or Veratrum.
Hypercholesterolemia is the medical term used to describe an excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood. While it does not cause kidney failure in and of itself, it is considered a major warning sign and possible contributing factor in the development of kidney disease. For these reasons, take steps to keep hypercholesterolemia under control.
In addition to a low fat, high fiber diet and regular exercise, herbal supplements such as ginseng can be useful in helping to rid the body of excess cholesterol. According to reports published by the Mayo Clinic, ginseng can help to decrease bad cholesterol if taken on a regular basis. Within the bloodstream, ginseng is a powerful antioxidant, eliminating the free radicals associated with degenerative kidney disease. It also helps to regulate blood glucose levels, which reduces the stress placed upon the kidneys. Recommended dosage of ginseng depend on which variety you choose. American ginseng reaches therapeutic levels at dosages of one to three grams prior to each meal, while the recommended dosage of Asian ginseng is between 15 and 25g per day.
There are a number of herbs which can be used to clean and detoxify the kidneys. This sort of treatment supports kidney function and promotes overall health of the urinary tract by hastening the removal of wastes which may be accumulating in a sluggish system. Current articles published by Healthline recommend couch grass for cleansing the urinary tract. It not only increases the flow of urine, but also soothes the affected tissues, reducing pain and inflammation. Though there is no clinical research as to the most effective dosage of this herb, the current recommended dosage is between six and ten grams each day. Alternatively, tea can be made from parsley leaves, which have a natural diuretic effect and work to stimulate kidney function. If neither of these is particularly appealing to you, similar results can be achieved by eating a large bowl of watermelon.