Home Remedy for Hayfever
Herbal treatments can offer effective relief for symptoms of hay fever. One of the most popular options is eucalyptus, which is often used in steam inhalations to ease congestion associated with hay fever. Eucalyptus is able to penetrate the mucous membranes and loosen congestion. In this way, it is useful as an expectorant. Put a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil into a basin filled with hot water, cover your head with a towel, bend over and then breathe in the vapors. Do this once or twice per day to ease your symptoms.
One of the easiest ways for allergens to attach themselves to your body and affect your breathing, is through your scalp. It is important to thoroughly shampoo your hair every day, especially at night. This removes pollen and other allergens that may have landed in your hair or scalp. In this manner, it helps to remove allergens that may end up on your pillow after a long day.
The root of the herb licorice has something called saponin glycoside, otherwise known as glycyrrhizic acid. This compound is similar to hormones made by the adrenal glands. This compound gives licorice anti-inflammatory properties along with having and anti-allergic components. These properties help in dealing with seasonal allergies by strengthening the immune system.
Boost your immune system by adding echinacea to your hay fever treatment plan. Take echinacea in the form of tea greatly benefits healing. Drink several cups of echninacea tea per day for the best results. If you opt for supplement form, take a total dose of 1,200 mg. in capsule form.
Simply put, drying your clothes on a clothesline allows pollen and other allergens to attach to your clothing and bring about hay fever symptoms. Drying clothes in the dryer helps to keep them pollen-free.
Run your air conditioning
While fresh air may sound like a good idea for those who suffer from hay fever, it can be troublesome. Run your air conditioner through the spring, summer and fall months, to combat against the pollen caused by blooming flowers and trees.
If you continue to be bothered with hay fever symptoms, consult your physician for treatment options.