Herbal Treatments for Incontinence
Green Tea
Rich in antioxidants, green tea is a powerful herbal remedy that has several health benefits. Green tea may help to prevent headaches, high cholesterol, infections, bladder cancer, heart disease, dental decay, and arthritis. According to the University of Pittsburgh, the main ingredient in green tea, catchetin, helps protect bladder cells from inflammation. Bladder inflammation can lead to incontinence and other related bladder conditions. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests taking 250 to 500 mg of green tea in the standardized extract form daily.
Magnesium is a mineral that provides a multitude of important health benefits such as preventing cramps, kidney stones, constipation, headaches, osteoporosis, and incontinence. According to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, magnesium helps incontinence sufferers by controlling spasms and promoting muscle health, which in turn can prevent involuntary bladder leakage. The Bastyr Center suggests taking 350 mg of magnesium supplements twice per day. Several foods also contain a high source of magnesium and should be incorporated into your daily diet. Examples include whole grains, fish, and leafy vegetables.
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is an herbal plant native to North America that has been used for centuries to help prevent urinary tract infections, prostrate problems, and chronic coughing. Saw palmetto helps incontinence by reducing 5-alpha reductase, and aids in the relief of benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH. Saw palmetto assists in treating common side effects of BPH such as frequent and uncontrollable urination. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, 160 mg of standardized saw palmetto should be taken twice daily.