The Effectiveness of Nattokinase
soy bean food
What is Nattokinase?
Nattokinase is an enzyme found in natto, a fermented soybean food that has been popular in Japan for centuries. Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi was one of the first researchers to recognize the ability of natto to dissolve blood clots. In 1980 he isolated and purified this enzyme and called it nattokinase.
How Nattokinase Works
The highly potent nattokinase breaks down fibrin, a protein that forms in the blood (after a trauma or an injury) to protect the body from excessive loss of blood. When the strands of fibrid accumulate along the walls of blood vessels, the results are decreased blood flow and formation of blood clots. Nattokinase not only can break down fibrin directly, but this enzyme can also enhance the body's production of plasmin and other clot-dissolving agents. Plasmin is responsible for the digestion or decomposition of fibrin. Research has revealed that fibrinolytic activity is four times greater in nattokinase than plasmin.
Clinical Research Findings
Laboratory research Nattokinase has been the subject of a few human clinical trials. Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi observed that artificial blood clots stimulated within samples from the nattokinase group dissolved in half the time of a control group. Researchers from JCR Pharmaceuticals, Oklahoma State University and Miyazaki Medical College of Kobe, Japan, tracked the fibrinolytic activity of 12 Japanese volunteers through a series of blood plasma tests. The test group demonstrated a heightened ability to dissolve blood clots within two to eight hours after treatment. Further study is needed to determine whether nattokinase can be successful in achieving optimum health.
Benefits of Nattokinase
Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi has called nattokinase "the enzyme of enzymes" because it supports the fibrinolytic blood-clearing system (breakdown of fibrin protein in the blood). Nattokinase acts as a blood thinner and seems to have the added benefit of reducing high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Some physicians claim that nattokinase is superior to traditionally prescribed blood thinners, such as Coumadin and Plavix. Advocates believe that this natural enzyme taken orally on a daily basis may help prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Nattokinase should not be taken with any drug or supplement that affects blood coagulation or blood pressure, such as prescription vitamin K, heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), Plavix, diuretics, ACE inhibitors or beta blockers. Always consult a physician or health care professional before taking nattokinase.