Cold-Fx Side Effects
What is Cold-fX used for?
Cold-fX is taken to combat against colds and flus, as well as to reduce severity of existing symptoms.
How is Cold fx taken?
Cold-fX's recommended dose is one tablet twice a day, while the extra-strength version is used only when actual flu symptoms exist.
How is Cold-fX different from other ginseng supplements?
Unlike most ginseng supplements, Cold-fX uses North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) rather than Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng). Cold-fX's manufacturers believe that the North American version is better suited at immune boosting but without the stimulant effects of the Asian version that may lead to adverse effects.
What is ginseng?
Ginseng is perennial plant with thick roots that primarily grows in Eastern Asia. Over the ages, ginseng was thought of as having medicinal properties and has been used as a stimulant and to reduce stress. Recently, ginseng has become a popular ingredient in energy drinks.
Are there side effects?
Cold-fX's manufacturer Alexa Life Sciences claims that their laboratory testing of doses 25-500x normal dosages haven't produced any side effects. Studies published in the American Academy of Family Physicians state that possible ginseng side effects include insomnia, diarrhea, nausea and blood pressure changes.
Does Cold fx mix adversely with any preexisting medical conditions or medicines, and is it safe for children or pregnant or nursing women?
Due to the stimulant features of Cold-fX, Cold-fX's manufacturers do not recommend the product to people using blood thinners and advise individuals with diabetes and blood pressure conditions to consult their physician before taking the product.
Also, testing was never done on children below 12 and pregnant or nursing children, therefore they are advised against taking the product.