Una De Gato Side Effects
Beneficial side effects of uña de gato include improved wound healing, a reduction in inflammation, and assistance with arthritis.
Birth Control
According to the University of Michigan, uña de gato was once used by the people of the Andes as a form of birth control.
Pregnant women should not take uña de gato, as it may cause miscarriage. Also, uña de gato may interact with birth control pills, perhaps related to its traditional use for the same purpose; consult your doctor about whether you need to use a backup method of birth control while taking uña de gato.
Minor side effects sometimes reported after using uña de gato include dizziness, nauseau and diarrhea or loose stools that often go away with continued use of the herb.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, uña de gato may interact with anticoagulants, diuretics and blood pressure medications.
While not yet scientifically proven, uña de gato may stimulate the immune system and is thus theoretically contraindicated in those with immune challenges such as an autoimmune disease, skin grafts or organ transplants.