Vertigo Alternative Treatments
What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is a sensation that resembles an irregular spinning motion that can result in nausea and difficulty in standing and walking. This condition is often split into two different types, peripheral which is a result of an inner ear problem and central which may result from migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, and the discontinuation of certain medications. Other conditions may lead to vertigo, including panic attacks, sinusitis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and hypoglycemia. Vertigo is often confused with dizziness or acrophobia (fear of heights) but it is a distinct condition with specific causes and treatments.
Traditional Treatment
Certain exercises that are a part of the practice vestibular rehabilitation can be learned from a doctor to practice on your own. These movements can help to retrain your body to deal with vertigo more effectively. There are over--the-counter medications given for Vertigo, such as dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) and prescription medications such as anticholinergics (scopolamine), antihistamines (diphenhydramine), and sedatives (pentobarbitol). These remedies control some or most of the symptoms of the disorder, though all medications have potential side effects. Surgery such as vestibular neurectomy or labyrinthectomy can be recommended to remove some of the nerves that control balance and position senses. If a bacterial infection is the cause of your inner ear problems, an antibiotic may be prescribed.
Herbal Remedies
Ginkgo biloba has found uses for improving concentration, increasing blood circulation, and healing some of the symptoms of vertigo. Ginkgo can help with the circulation in the brain and to the ears which has been known to stop some of the major causes of vertigo. Doses of the herb are available in 120 milligram tablet form and can be taken two to three times a day. Rosemary is a well-known kitchen spice which has been connected with many different healing properties. The herb is another that can improve blood circulation, especially to the head to improve concentration and the effects of vertigo. It can be taken in the form of a tea to treat your symptoms. Bupleurum is a popular herb in East Asia that can treat the nausea and the spinning symptoms of vertigo. For the proper dosage, consult your doctor or an integrated medical practitioner.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are given to cure a very specific profile of symptoms that include physical ailments, your state of mind, and the conditions that make your symptoms better or worse. Theridion is a remedy cultivated from the orange spider and can be given for Meniere's disease (which can sometimes cause vertigo) and the nausea and spinning related to vertigo itself. It may also be helpful if your vertigo is accompanied by general motion sickness, coldness, and nervousness. Tabacum (from the tobacco plant) is often prescribed for those with a cold sweat, motion sickness, anxiety, and vertigo. This is especially helpful if your vertigo is aggravated by the least bit of motion. Moschus (from the musk of a deer) has been used to treat people with hysterical excitement, fainting spells, and vertigo. If you are chilly, often needing a deep breath, and feel like everybody is against you, then this remedy may be appropriate for you. For proper dosage and diagnosis, consult a licensed homeopath.
Since the symptoms of vertigo may be the indication of some greater issues, make sure to consult your doctor if you are experiencing them. Herbal remedies can sometimes cause allergic reactions or can interact negatively with medications that you might be taking. Before using herbal remedies or homeopathic remedies, talk to a licensed herbalist or homeopath. Few remedies will work without a proper diet and exercise routine, so make sure to incorporate that into your life if you have yet to do so.