Herbs to Increase Sperm Count
Men seeking to increase their sperm count may benefit from adding ginseng to their diet. According to the Journal of Sexuality and Disability, clinical trials pertaining to improved sperm count have been scientifically researched in vitro. Two placebo-controlled, double-blind trials cited on Iherb.com have shown significant improvement in erectile dysfunction. Panax ginseng use may lead to an improved sense of general well-being, relieving stress, improving diabetes and other health-related issues, of which such improvement may lead to higher sperm counts. A daily dosage of 200 mg of standardized extract or 1 to 2 g of raw herb is recommended on an ongoing basis. This herb appears to be nontoxic, and very few side effects have been associated with treatment.
Another herbal treatment that has proven successful in boosting sperm count is Pycnogenol. A new study conducted by Dr. Roseff of the West Essex Center for Advanced Reproductive Endocrinology indicates that Pycnogenol, a natural plant extract from the bark of the French Maritime Pine, is a superior antioxidant that improves natural fertility. The high anti-oxidant value of Pycnogenol protects the sperm cells from the oxidative damage that all cells are subject to. It is available over the counter in drug stores. Test subjects took 200 mg daily for a period of three months.
Natural alternative
By using herbs to increase sperm count, couples may be able to avoid potentially invasive and expensive treatments such as IVF. While it does take hard work and commitment to stick to herbal treatments and it demands some lifestyle changes, taking the natural route may have many benefits for overall health. Herbal remedies may offer new hope to infertile couples as an alternative treatment or as a complementary approach to more successful attempts at IVF.