Ayurvedic Remedies for Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Diagnosis and Allopathic Treatments
Visit your doctor to be diagnosed for the presence of squamous cell carcinoma; the doctor can discern if you have this type of skin cancer or another cancerous condition. If the condition is left untreated, you run the risk of developing tumors on your mouth or ears, deep tumors and the condition can worsen over time. You will need to have the tissue biopsied; the doctor will take a small sample of the tissue to have it tested in a laboratory to determine if the cells are cancerous.
If you are diagnosed with squamous cell melanoma, there are several different allopathic treatments that are offered. You may need cryosurgery, where the surgeon freezes off the affected tissues, or the tissues may need to be surgically removed. Laser therapy is another option, which uses a light beam to vaporize cancerous cells, or you might require radiation and chemotherapy to kill off the cancer cells in your body. The type of allopathic treatment you receive will depend upon the extent of the condition and how far it has progressed. You should not forgo allopathic treatments for holistic Ayurvedic treatments but instead combine treatment approaches to maximize your potential recovery.
In "Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany," author C.P. Khare explains that Bhuurja is an herb that is commonly used to treat skin cancer conditions. This herb has also been used to treat leprosy, liver disease, convulsive disorders and skin diseases. A decoction of Bhuurja can be made by adding 3 to 5 ml of the herb to 50 to 100 ml of water. Consume the remedy once daily to alleviate symptoms associated with skin cancer and to improve your overall health.
Taheebo is also called Pau d' Arco; In "All Women Are Healers: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Healing", author Diane Stein explains that this herb is used for the treatment of all skin conditions, including skin cancer. Taheebo has antiviral agents, it improves your immune system and it alleviates sleep disturbances. This herb also aids your digestive processes and can help to improve your appetite. Taheebo contains naphthoquinones and lapachols that have antiviral and antifungal as well as antibacterial agents.
Consume 300 to 500 mg of Taheebo a day to improve your immune system functioning as you deal with skin cancer symptoms. Some side effects of Taheebo include nausea, anemia, vertigo and diarrhea. Nursing women and breastfeeding women should not consume Taheebo. This herb may interfere with warfarin, clopidogrel, and aspirin.
Red Clover
Stein also cites red clover as an herb that is beneficial for the treatment of skin cancer conditions. This herb is a nerve tonic, improves immune system functioning and is used for cold and flu-like symptoms. Red clover contains isoflavones that have the ability to hinder cancer cell growth. Consume 40 to 160 mg red clover capsules daily, or make a tea by brewing 1 to 2 tsp. of red clover in 8 oz. of hot water for 30 minutes. Consume the tea two to three times a day to treat skin cancer conditions.
Side effects associated with the use of red clover include nausea, rash and headache. Breastfeeding women and pregnant females should not consume this herb. This herb may interfere with the use of tamoxifen and anticoagulants. Since it has estrogen-like effects, it is not recommended for women with a familial history of uterine or breast cancer.