Home Remedy for Kidneys

The kidneys are paired, brownish-purple organs located at the back of the abdominal cavity. Their main function is to help regulate the flow of water, electrolytes and other fluids through the body while removing wastes via urine. There are a number of disorders that can affect kidney function and impact overall health and well-being. Those afflicted frequently suffer from lumbar pain, swelling of the limbs, and difficult or painful urination. The following home remedies have been used for years to hinder the development of common kidney disorders.
  1. Kidney Health

    • The best thing you can do to help maintain optimal kidney function is to drink a lot of water. Make an effort to increase your daily water intake, drinking at least two liters each day. If you live in a warmer climate or regularly engage in heavy physical activity, you will need to drink additional water to replace the fluids lost through perspiration. Drink enough to ensure your urine is almost colorless. By adding extra water to your system, you dilute any toxic substances and waste products produced by your body as part of normal metabolic functions. This helps to prevent the accumulation of debris that could impede the flow of urine.

    Kidney Stones

    • Kidney stones are crystalline masses that form within the body of the kidney. They are composed of phosphates, carbonates, urates and oxalates, and can be incredibly painful when passing through the ureters and into the bladder. If you suffer from kidney stones, you may want to change your diet by eating less salt, avoiding food products that contain high-fructose corn syrup, eating less pasta and limiting dairy products or calcium-based antacids. These foods contain the chemical structural components necessary for kidney stone development.

    Kidney Infection

    • A kidney infection generally begins as a bladder infection. As the bacteria within the bladder multiply, the infection travels from the bladder to the kidney. This situation should be evaluated and treated by a medical professional, as it could lead to permanent kidney damage.

      However, while you are waiting to be seen, there are a few things you can do to improve your situation. Drink as much unsweetened cranberry juice as possible. Cranberry functions within the body as a low-level antibiotic, in part because it lowers the pH of the surrounding fluids. This creates a more acidic environment, which cuts down on the growth rate of bacteria. If cranberry juice is not your thing, try taking capsules instead. Cranberry or bearberry capsules are frequently available in the vitamin section of stores. Both types of berry create the same hostile environment for bacteria once they have entered the digestive tract.

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