Home Remedy for BPH Prostate
Saw Palmetto and Goldenseal
According to homemademedicine.com, saw palmetto is the best treatment for BPH, particularly in the long-term. It reduces inflammation, pain and problems related to urination, but it should be used for at least six to 12 months for best results.
Goldenseal is also a popular supplement with a variety of uses, including as an anti-bacterial remedy for such prostate maladies as prostasis.
Lycopene and Bee Pollen
Lycopene is a nutrient found in large amounts in tomatoes and is an antioxidant that many people consume to prevent prostate cancer. According to eatright.com, a 1995 Harvard University study found that it can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 34 percent. More specifically, it helps prevent a weak urine stream and urination frequency, which many older men experience with BPH.
Bee pollen can also be used to slow the inflammation of the prostate. Dr. Werner Salomon, a gynecologist in Hamburg, Germany, found in tests in the 1990s that bee pollen is good for treating BPH in men.
Zinc and Vitamin E
Many doctors recommend that patients with BPH take increased amounts of zinc to combat the condition, as it is particularly effective at reducing enlargement. Homemademedicine.com recommends taking about 30 milligrams a day, though other doctors believe 30 to 80 milligrams is the proper dosage.
Vitamin E is an oily mineral that can be taken in pill form and is often used as a supplement to promote a healthy prostate. It ca also be found in foods such as whole-grain products, leafy green vegetables and sprouts.