Olive Leaf Extract & Liver Problems
What is all the leaf extract
Olive leaf extract has many benefits and functions. It has an astounding effect on viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, as well as fungi, and yeast infections. It also assists with high blood pressure and heart disease. Olive leaf extract has also been known to aid in chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever and is well known for its powerful detoxification properties.
Detoxification and the liver
Olive leaf extract can handle many liver problems. Olive leaf is a great detoxifier of the liver. As a matter of fact not only does olive leaf detoxify the liver it also detoxifies the kidneys, intestines, and the skin as well. You may experience certain side effects when your liver is detoxifying. This can include fatigue, muscle pains, headaches, diarrhea, and flu-like symptoms. This means the olive leaf extract is working properly, and these symptoms can be reduced by increasing your fluid intake, preferably by drinking more water.
Molds and yeasts
When molds and yeasts are in your body they affect the liver because it deprives the body of nutrients that it needs. Mold creates microorganisms that create toxins called mycotoxins. These mycotoxins affect the liver's ability to create hormones and eliminate toxins from your body. When olive leaf is used it removes toxins, allowing the liver to continuously make hormones and effectively eliminate waste from your body.
Liver cancer
Olive leaf extract has also been known to be a preventative measure against liver cancer and a remedy to fight it. There is a compound derived from the Olive leaf called oleanolic acid, which has protected against the development of liver cancer in laboratory animals studied at the Health Sciences University of Hokkaido.
Choosing the proper Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is available as a tincture, capsules, and even as a tea. Make sure the product has more than 10 percent Oleurpein olive leaf extract and micronutrients from the olive leaf. Some people prefer the capsules, which are filled with the dried herb. Always seek the assistance of your health care practitioner when undergoing this type of alternative support.