Coconut Oil & Thyroid Treatment
Underactive thyroid causes cold hands and feet, headaches, insomnia, puffy eyes, hair loss, joint aches, fatigue and weight gain. Overactive thyroid causes a person to burn energy quickly and experience weight loss.
According to an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic, Dr.Todd B. Nippoldt, MD, hypothyroidism has many causes and requires different treatments. He says, however, that coconut oil may not offer results.
Metabolism Enhancer
Coconut oil is a metabolism enhancer, which curbs weight gain. It contains medium chain fatty acids, (MCFA) and medium chain triglycerides, (MCT), and is more digestible than seed oils, promoting quick energy.
Doctors in at the Mayo Clinic are researching coconut oil for partial thyroid treatments. According to Dr. Ray Peat, coconut oil reduces toxins in the body. Increased metabolic rate helps an underactive thyroid.
Clinical Studies
According to clinical studies done in 2003, by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND, CN, coconut oil is effective for thyroid problems. Additional research was needed before suggesting patients quit taking prescribed medications.