Herbs That Will Help Get Rid of Trapped Intestinal Gas
Peppermint has long been used as a soother of the digestive tract. It is also one of the oldest known remedies for gas. You can purchase regular peppermint tea at your grocer or health food store, or you can make your own. Use fresh peppermint; chop up 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fresh, clean peppermint leaves and steep in 1 cup of boiling water. Let set for 10 minutes, strain and drink. Sip slowly as often as you like for relief.
Papaya enzymes help your body break down foods and perform the ordinary tasks your digestive system might be having trouble with. Papaya enzyme tablets are available in most drug and health stores. Take 1 or 2 tablets after meals, or follow label directions if they differ.
Fennel is classified as a "carminative," meaning that it has compounds that help to expel gas and soothe the stomach. To ease symptoms of gas or flatulence after meals, simply chew 1 tsp. of fennel seeds. Chew completely before swallowing. Look for fennel seed in health food stores or well stocked supermarkets.
Anise Water
Anise water can be helpful in relieving gas symptoms. Soak 1 tsp. of anise seeds in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink after meals for relief.
This tea is commonly given to infants and children in Mexico to relieve colic and gas symptoms. Anise helps to stimulate the flow of digestive fluids in the stomach and intestines, helping fats break down into fatty acids.