Herbal Cure for Body Odor

While body odor is natural, an excess amount can be unappealing and make you feel very self-conscious. While there are many chemical products like deodorants and colognes that cover up body odor; you may find natural, herbal remedies to be a healthy alternative for preventing body odor.
  1. History

    • Body odor is caused when perspiration remains on the body for a few hours or more creating a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. Anthropologists believe that body odor is a genetic trait that helped primitive humans dissuade predators from attacking and eating them. Ancient Egyptians used carob, incense and porridge as deodorant while the Romans and Greeks drenched their clothes, horses, and pets in aromatic oils. Perfume remained the main practice of deodorization until the first deodorant, Mum, was trademarked in 1888 (Reference 2).

    Traditional Treatment

    • Mum was followed by other antiperspirants over the decades. These methods of covering body odor have been used pretty much ever since. Chemical deodorants and antiperspirants like these work by covering up the pores and neutralizing odor. There are potential health risks involved with covering the pores that have lead to a desire by consumers for more natural methods to eliminate body odor (Reference 1 and 2).

    Herbal Treatment

    • The benefit in using herbal remedies is that there are typically fewer side effects than when you use chemical and medical remedies. Since body odor is caused by bacteria, the most effective body odor cures eliminate bacteria. Taking a bath with the essential oils lavender and thyme can kill bacteria and leave you with a pleasant smell. Add 5 drops of each to your bath water or add 5 drops of lavender to 2 cups of distilled water in a glass bottle. You can use a cloth to dab the bottle's contents on your underarms without limiting natural perspiration. A cleansing juice of the herbs angelica, dandelion, and endive can help to remove some of the odor-causing bacteria internally (Reference 1).

    Where to Buy

    • Some natural cure products for body odor are available at grocery stores. Natural food stores will often carry the other remedies like the essential oils. It is recommended that you buy the remedies in person as opposed to over the Internet to ensure you know exactly what it is you're getting.


    • When you use chemical deodorants and antiperspirants you may restrict your sweat glands and cause the odorous bacteria to breed unimpeded. This can also restrict your body from regulating your body temperature effectively. There is also concern that some of the chemicals in deodorant can raise the chances of certain cancers. Herbal remedies have the possibility of causing allergic reactions or interacting with medications that you're taking. Consult an herbalist or your doctor before adding herbs to your routine (Reference 1 and Resource 1).

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