What Are the Side Effects of Using Herbal Colon Cleanse Products?
Senna is a harsh cathartic which purges the intestines and colon. It may cause diarrhea and possibly dehydration, and should, therefore, be used with extreme caution. Even though it is a natural laxative, it has powerful effects and is very habit forming, and should not be used for more than 10 consecutive days. Those with regular bowel movements should not use senna as it can disrupt normal digestion.
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara sagrada is generally considered a safe natural laxative. It is antibacterial and has cleansing effects on the entire digestive tract. It is also a natural chelate, which means it will bind to metals and help eliminate them from the body. Short-term use of cascara helps to cleanse the body of heavy-metal-containing pesticides and chemicals, but long term use can deplete the body of trace minerals and metals the body actually needs, such as iron. As with any laxative, long term use can also lead to dependency. Do not use cascara on a regular basis, but as part of a short cleansing program.
Psyllium Husks
Psyllium is high in insoluble fiber, and is the basis of most colon cleansing supplements. It helps to provide bulk in the intestines and remove toxins from the colon. However, it must be taken with plenty of water or it can actually cause blockages in the intestines. Psyllium powder, if inhaled, may also cause asthma-like symptoms. Psyllium supplements can be taken long term without fear of dependency.
Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay is a popular supplement often included in herbal colon cleansing products. It is not an herb, but, as its name implies, a type of clay. It absorbs water in the intestines and swells, providing extra bulk. It not only helps increase elimination, but combats viruses and bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is also a natural chelate, and helps to bind with heavy metals and other toxins. As with any chelating agent, it should not be used long term, as it can lead to deficiencies of necessary minerals and trace metals. It is important to drink extra water while taking bentonite clay to prevent dehydration.
While colon cleansing products can be beneficial, you can effectively cleanse without taking additional supplements. Raw vegetable cleanses, juice cleanses and detoxifying soups are very effective, much less costly, and have few potential side effects.