Aloe Vera Juice for Leaky Gut Syndrome
When you ingest aloe vera juice, it can heal ulcers and internal tissue damage, soothe indigestion, reduce swelling in joints--such as in arthritis--and calm heartburn, according to Some people have claimed that aloe vera has helped reduce leg cramps, kidney and bladder problems and insomnia, according to the website. All most people need is two to four ounces per day. For patients with Leaky Gut Syndrome, aloe vera can help soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines. It might be a beneficial supplement for people undergoing medical treatments as it might help reduce nausea and increase energy. Eating a healthy diet with aloe vera supplements might help a leaky gut heal over time.
According to the Web site, aloe vera juice (when ingested) heals ulcers and internal tissue damage, soothes indigestion, reduces swelling in joints (such as in arthritis) and calms heartburn. The Web site also says some people have claimed aloe vera has helped reduce leg cramps, kidney and bladder problems, insomnia and other issues. All that is required for most people is two to four ounces per day. For patients with Leaky Gut Syndrome, Aloe Vera can help soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines. It may be a beneficial supplement for those undergoing medical treatments as it may help reduce nausea and increase energy. Eating a healthy diet with aloe vera supplements might help a leaky gut heal over time.
While rare, it is possible to experience side effects with aloe vera juice. Those side effects can include nausea, dermatitis, strangely colored urine, allergic reactions and liver dysfunction. Talk to your doctor about the correct dose for you to minimize chances of these side effects. Stop drinking aloe vera juice if you experience any strange reactions. Don't drink aloe vera juice if you are pregnant or breast feeding or are allergic to garlic or onions.
Aloe vera has long been used as a soothing balm for scrapes, cuts and burns. It is still a popular sunburn treatment. Use of aloe vera has been traced back to the ancient Egyptians and it is sometimes referred to as the healing plant or first aid plant, according to The plant originated in northern Africa.
Leaky Gut Syndrome
When the intestines become inflamed, the cells lining the intestine might become weak and allow toxins to leak into the bloodstream. Basically, your gut wall becomes permeable. This is Leaky Gut Syndrome. According to the Environment Illness Resource, Leaky Gut Syndrome can develop from other conditions such as Crohn's disease, arthritis, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, celiac disease or allergies. It can result from too much alcohol or caffeine, as well as too much stress. It is a chronic disease that can lead to malnutrition and infection if left untreated. Symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic joint pain, bloating, hair loss, brittle nails, anxiety, fatigue, constant hunger pains, poor immunity, skin rashes, confusion and mood swings.