Germanium for Pain Relief
Germanium is the 32nd element on the periodic table. Once ingested, each molecule of germanium has the ability to transport six molecules of oxygen to other tissues. In this manner, germanium is able to support oxygenation at the cellular level, which helps to stimulate the functions of the immune system. As the cells are oxygenated, the effects of free radicals are undermined, as is the expansion of tumors, as these conditions favor the growth and development of healthy tissues. In addition to having anti-tumor effects and bolstering the immune system, germanium is also able to alleviate pain---and unlike many modern pain medications, germanium does not numb the senses in the process. Instead of dulling the response of the nervous system, it encourages the body to secret endorphins, providing a safe and natural form of relief.
Germanium can be found in seasonings such as garlic and ginger, vegetables such as mushrooms, broccoli, celery and onions, and dairy products made with whole milk. Additionally, germanium can be found in supplements such as ginseng, comfrey and aloe vera. If you prefer, undiluted germanium can be obtained at many health food stores in capsule form. The recommended dosage for this nutrient is between 100 and 300 milligrams per day for mild to moderate pain.
If you are planning to take germanium in capsule form for convenience's sake, only take the organic Ge-132 variation. Germanium dioxide, or other inorganic versions, can accumulate in the tissues and become potentially dangerous. Toxic levels of inorganic germanium can lead to kidney damage, renal failure and even death. And as with all new medications, be alert for signs of an allergic reaction and immediately discontinue use of you experience any of the following: hives, rash, itching, nausea, vomiting, numbness or tingling of the lips, or swelling of the face, feet or hands.